AxisTech is an Australian based AgTech solution provider specialising in whole-of-business data and IoT.

Our philosophy is to provide an end to end solution that is as agnostic at each point as possible. Where there isn’t existing solutions available we develop our own, where there are solutions available we look for best of breed or best fit for purpose. We love collaborations and partnerships and think this is the best way to solve real problems with real solutions.

An end to end solution requires coverage of multiple points in a complex multi-step system. We aim to provide solutions and service at each point including:


RF & Connectivitiy

Data Managment


Device Management

Data Storage

Cameras & Devices

Sensor Data Handling

Data Analysis

We are playing our part in digitising agriculture.

We take the view that data has value and the farmer owns their data – real-time, IoT, machine-generated, accumulated records, and historical information – and aim to reinforce this by providing the tools and access necessary.

Managing Director - Wes Lawrence


Wes Lawrence is originally from a mixed farming operation in Cranbrook in the Great Southern of Western Australia. After juggling school work and farm work, Wes spent a few years working for farmers and contractors across the district and on the two family properties, managing the day to day operations as well as operating earth moving equipment, wool pressing, classing and running sheep and cropping programs.

After moving to Perth to study and having a career in Human Services and then Accounting, Wes became involved in technology, in particular hardware, software and data over RF. He worked in vehicle tracking and telematics, co-developed a wrist watch lone worker solution in the days before “wearables” became mainstream and designed a sensor and communication system for luxury boating.

Wes has brought together his knowledge of farming and farming operations, his understanding of hardware, software and data over RF and the importance of data and data management into AxisTech. Wes and his team strive to deliver value to clients and deliver solutions that solve problems and improve business operations and efficiencies.