Precipitation is one of the most important agricultural weather parameters and helps farmers to make decisions about their land and crops. Our weather monitoring solutions can help with:
- Identifying weather patterns
- Making rainfall comparisons
- Managing crops
- Monitoring for droughts.
Measure all important weather parameters such as wind speed, wind direction, temperature, rainfall, barometric pressure, and relative humidity.
Data can be displayed on the AxisTech custom dashboard or decompressed and converted into an API for delivery into any display or analysis software program.
S95 Weather Station
The S95 weather station is solar powered with data sensors that capture wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, temperature, barometric pressure and relative humidity. Optional upgrade to include ultrasonic wind sensors, solar radiation or UV radiation.
S95-A26 Tipping Rain Gauge
The S95-A26 Tipping Rain Gauge is a standalone device with independent solar power.