Logo 2 Axisstream

AxisStream is a data platform designed for the entire Agrifood supply chain. It facilitates value from data without comprising owner control. Through its data engineering capabilities,  AxisStream facilitates the transformation, ingestion and standardisation of any and all data.

AxisStream enables data to be consumed in multiple ways: for the business itself, including visualisation, insights and analysis; used by consultants; selected data for compliance purposes; or processing through third party algorithms and machine learning tools.

Our mission is to unlock agrifood data and help solve data challenges both in Australia and globally including:

  • Data in inaccessible forms – notebooks, paper, pdfs etc.
  • Data within an IoT or other application layer remains locked away in separate platforms and databases.
  • Data is rarely uniform or standardised.
  • Farms and agribusiness have nowhere to store volume data.
  • Issues around data ownership, possession and control are significant barriers to adoption.
  • Lack of data segregation between business units or projects within an organisation.
  • No easy way to collaborate and share data

By unlocking data, AxisStream can help agrifood businesses enhance:

✅ Data-driven decision making 

✅ Data hygiene so that data meets the standard required to operate in agrifood

✅ Interoperability to enable collaborations with third parties

✅ Productivity efficiency and effectiveness to maximise value from production inputs 

✅ Production quality 

✅ Business growth 

✅ Supply chain continuity, resilience and management

✅ Compliance (cold chain, AQIS, biosecurity etc)

✅ Sustainability requirements (ESG, carbon, natural capital accounting etc)

✅ Managing risk (people safety, food safety, asset management)

✅ Customer experience

✅ Access to new markets

Interconnected Data Platform

AxisStream diagram

Who is AxisStream for?

The AxisStream solution has applicability across any commodity type and production system and can scale from the smallest farm to the largest multi-business enterprise. It can handle with ease any type of operational data at any point within the agrifood supply chain.

AxisStream can be used by:


Grower Groups

Advisers and Consultants

Food and Beverage Processors

Universities, Government and Researchers

Industry and RDCs

AxisStream Features

✅ Producer or business owned data store. Whole of farm business data can be ingested, standardised  and stored in a data store that is owned and controlled by the individual business

✅ Dashboarding displays and visual analysis 

✅ Data sharing. Data can be selected by the user for sharing and collaborating within grower groups, within supply chains into distributed ledger or blockchain, with researchers or transacted with external third parties.

✅ Upload own documents including PDFs and CSVs 

Request a demo login

Please contact us using the form to find out more information about AxisStream, to request a demo or to set up a new account