Great Southern Livestock'20 Event
The AxisTech team were proud to be a sponsor of the Great Southern Livestock’20 event on the 22 and 23 October, organised by Stirlings to Coast Farmers and WA Producers Co-Operative.
Day one of the event was located at Glenridge Park farm in West Kendenup, a 4-hour drive South-East of Perth. The day began at 12:30pm, with presentations by the likes of Pivotel, Stirlings to Coast Farmers, WAPC, and MLA, before rolling into field demonstrations and individual stall presentations. Our very own Wes Lawrence, Managing Director of AxisTech, spoke to groups about our devices and upcoming data management platform.
Situated at the Albany Entertainment Centre, day two was officially opened by Alanah MacTiernan, Minister of Regional Development; Agriculture and Food. The day continued on with a range of industry keynote speakers discussing topics around livestock, climate adaptation, farm security, pastures, and family.
Thank you to everyone involved in the event and those that came up to say hi to discuss data and devices with us at Livestock’20!